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GTP Supercharger Pulley Replacement

To add more boost to your supercharged GTP all you need to do is change to a smaller pulley. There are several sizes you can use. If your car is mostly stock go with a 3.4" or 3.5" pulley. To be able to use a smaller than 3.4" there are other mods that need to be done. One mod that is essential is an intercooler to help keep the Knock Retard (KR) from coming in to play.


  • The first thing to do when replacing the pulley is disconnect the Negative terminal from your battery.
  • Next is to remove one nut on the fuse box and pull the fuse box forward.
  • Now  remove your supercharger belt
  • Place old belt around pulley and secure with vice grips and remove the bolt that holds on pulley
  • Now attach a pulley puller made for replacing supercharger pulleys (DO NOT USE JUST A GEAR PULLER!).
  • When installing the puller be sure to have a ratcheting wrench and to put it on before putting the puller together, Also the three bolts that go on the tool should be flush with the back side of the plate. You may hear some popping as the pulley comes loose this is normal.


  • Once the pulley is off remove the tool and pulley.
  • Clean the inside of the new pulley with very fine sandpaper and grease the pulley and supercharger shaft. 
  • Now install the pulley tool "bolt assembly" with washers. Also install "your belt clamp". Now just tighten the bolt to press on the new pulley.



  • Now remove the bolt, put back on the pulley bolt, install supercharger belt, reinstall fusebox, and reconnect battery cable.
  • Now fire the engine up and watch your boost lights go to max very quickly!

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